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How to Improve Your Facebook Ad Results

How to Improve Your Facebook Ad Results

A whopping 69% of Americans use Facebook. Like it or not, Facebook is still a social media titan. Out of all the platforms available, they have maintained their status by continuing to evolve and innovate. Previously, Facebook was little more than a way for college students to connect, but today, it reaches people of all ages. This makes it an incredible global resource for businesses and marketers of all kinds. 

Facebook ad campaigns can be tricky to master. Perhaps you’re already using Facebook ads, but you’re not getting the results you want. This is quite common, so don’t be discouraged. As with any platform, it can be difficult to grow accustomed to the tools available to you. Over time, however, you’ll be able to adjust and formulate a successful Facebook strategy.

Do you want to improve your Facebook ad results and increase profits? At Gauge Digital Media, we’re committed to helping you boost your strategy. Here are a handful of tips to improve your Facebook ad results and generate conversions:

Add More Short Videos 

It’s always best to put ourselves in the viewer’s shoes when discussing Facebook ad optimization. Luckily, this isn’t too difficult to do; most of us have interacted with social media platforms at one time or another. 

As we scroll through Facebook, a million things are constantly vying for our attention. When a post grabs ahold of us, we stay put to learn more. Videos are ideal because they trigger our curiosity. When a video starts playing, people want to see what happens next. However, our attention spans are infamously short when it comes to social media. This is why you should try to produce shorter, more concise content in a video format. 

Time Your Ads Carefully   

If you bombard your viewers with content non-stop, they won’t pay attention for long. Think about being at the movies. When the trailers begin, you’re invested in those ads. However, by the sixth or seventh trailer, you’re probably feeling impatient. The same thing applies to online ad marketing. After seeing too much of the same thing, our eyes glaze over. The best thing to do to combat this issue is time your ads properly. To increase conversions, schedule automated posts in advance and spreading them out over a period of time. Plus, if you schedule your posts, you can sit back while Facebook does all the work for you.

Match Links to Landing Pages  

When you post an ad to Facebook, the ad copy should always match the corresponding landing page. Let’s say, for instance, that you’re advertising a certain product. The image you post shows the product and the copy discusses a discount opportunity. However, when viewers click on the attached link, it leads to your homepage. This could lead to frustration on behalf of the viewer. Perhaps they were interested in purchasing the item, but they don’t want to take extra time to find it on your site. Instead, the link should have directed customers directly to the correct product. 

Retarget Ads  

On Facebook, you can develop an ad campaign using the “Catalog Sales objective.” In Ads Manager, you can create this campaign and select a product set. From there, you can retarget ads to people who have engaged with your products previously. They may be customers who put an item into a cart but never purchased it, or individuals who have purchased something before. This gives you the chance to upsell and cross-sell. With help from Facebook’s retargeting method, you should be able to increase profits and achieve higher conversions.

Use Lookalike Audiences  

To reach new audiences, try Facebook’s automated “Lookalike” audience feature. This shows your ads to people who might be interested in your business. They could be from the same demographic information, live in the same location, or have similar likes and dislikes. First, you would choose a source audience based on data on your current page. Facebook then uses this same data to help you track conversions. The platform pulls information from those who “converted” the most and shows your ads to similar people. 

Enhance Your Ad Copy   

Just like other platforms, the quality of your ad copy is key to achieving successful results. Is it grammatically correct? Is your message compelling? Is it succinct and straightforward? Can customers access purchase points? 

Facebook ads include the use of three basic elements: the description, the text and the headline. On the platform, you can choose to optimize the text and swap these around. For example, the text you use in your primary text could be placed in the headline and vice versa if Facebook believes it will get better results. This is an excellent feature to try out if you’re looking for new ways to change your marketing strategy. Sometimes, the simplest alterations make the biggest difference.

Are you looking to improve your Facebook ad strategy? At Gauge Digital Media, our experts can help you accomplish your highest goals. We offer social media marketing across multiple platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. We can also direct your ad campaigns, display ads across Google AdWords and Bing Ads, and measure them accurately. Furthermore, our specialists will assist you with your web design, SEO, graphic design, and e-mail marketing needs. No matter your business or industry, we can help you thrive.

We Are Here to Help Grow Your Business Online

Working with a professional digital marketing company is the best way to make the most of your website and all that Facebook Pixel, LinkedIn ads, Google Analytics and other digital advertising platforms have to offer. To learn more about the best digital marketing strategies for your company and reach a bigger audience than ever before, work with Gauge Digital Media. For a quote or to schedule a call, contact us at (443) 201-7709.

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