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9 Ways to Improve Your Social Media Presence

9 Ways to Improve Your Social Media Presence

Creating and posting to a social media account is easy enough, but developing a memorable presence isn’t as simple. The reason so many users get lost in the shuffle is because they don’t know their goals. If you’re using your Instagram, Facebook or Twitter account to market your business, you have to decide what your business represents. Who are you marketing to? What’s your purpose? How can you connect with others in a meaningful way? 

Over 3.5 billion people use social media globally. According to Statista, that number is expected to rise to 4.4 billion by 2025. Since its inception, the Internet has provided us with a way to connect and engage across boundaries. It gives us the chance to reach people we’d never interact with otherwise. In a sea of other voices, however, it can be difficult to be heard. With a stronger social media presence, you’ll access new audiences and find your community.

1. Be Yourself 

Without a doubt, you’ve heard the phrase “be yourself” before. Perhaps it sounds trite or overused, but the importance of this message still rings true today. People want to find others they can relate to, those that share their lives in a way that is honest. Remember: we’re all human. You don’t have to be something you’re not on social media. Sharing your story is the best way to create compelling content. 

2. Don’t Over-Sell   

Ads and sales lingo are taking over social media, and users can spot tasteless marketing schemes from a mile away. Sure, you want to share your products and services, but that shouldn’t be your #1 goal (especially while you’re shaping your presence). Instead of over-selling, focus on making connections. Participate in hashtags, follow other accounts you enjoy, and join in on the conversation. If you build a genuine social media presence, customers will naturally become interested in what you have to offer.

3. Try Out Different Platforms  

If you stick to one social media platform, you could be missing out. Each platform attracts a unique audience. Instagram and TikTok, for instance, are both great for reaching younger crowds. YouTube and Twitter, on the other hand, offer access to more diverse populations. In addition to this, you’ll be able to share your content in a variety of ways: making videos, participating in discussions, or sharing photos are all possible. As they say, variety is the spice of life!

4. Add Video Content  

We all enjoy watching engaging videos. Why? All of this stems from our love of the silver screen: we are captivated by characters and stories. Our appetite for entertainment knows no bounds, which is why this mode of content thrives. In fact, people watch about 19 hours of online video content per week. They’re also twice as likely to share video content with friends. Best of all, the options are endless. You can create tutorials, comedic sketches, vlogs, product highlight videos and more. For an added boost, give your content a strong narrative.  

5. Be Active  

By staying active, you maintain your voice as a brand. As a business owner, you want to stay relevant and up-to-date. If your posts don’t show accurate or current information, it could even lead your viewers in the wrong direction. They may not even know if you’re still in business at all. Plus, regardless of what you’re selling, you’ll see an improved ROI (return on investment) with an active social media presence.

6. Integrate Your Content  

Do you want to increase viewership? If you’re a YouTuber, link to your social media accounts. If you’re an Instagram influencer, link to your Twitter. You can even use your e-mail signature to link to all of your social media accounts. This shows you take your work seriously, and it will help you broaden our audience. Think of it this way: if you own a boutique, you would probably want to hang up flyers in various locations to get the word out. The same thing applies here. 

7. Be Interested   

Writer Dale Carnegie once said, “To be interesting, you have to be interested.” Posting dull product images, non-stop selfies, or unoriginal content won’t help your social media presence. Try something new. What are you interested in? More than likely, there are others out there that share your thoughts and ideas. Connect with them rather than focusing on ways to fit in. Another thing you want to avoid is repetition. If you share the same type of content over and over, people will grow tired of it (and chances are, you will too). 

8. Know Your Audience  

To have a strong social media presence, you need to know who you’re speaking to. You wouldn’t walk into a barbecue joint, for instance, expecting to find vegetarians. Similarly, you wouldn’t post to the hashtag “#bestbarbecue” if you sell ready-made vegetarian or vegan meals. Think about what you sell and who it appeals to. Where will you find those individuals? What else do they enjoy? 

9. Use Creator Tools  

Technology is always progressing, and there are several different tools out there for diving into analytics. Some platforms even offer creator studios to help you customize your experience. Why not use everything that’s available to you? Find out more about your audience and learn about engagement strategies. Most importantly, discover what works and what doesn’t. 

Are you looking to improve your social media strategy? At Gauge Digital Media, our experts can help you accomplish your highest goals. We offer social media marketing across multiple platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. We can also direct your ad campaigns, display ads across Google AdWords and Bing Ads, and measure them accurately. Furthermore, our specialists will assist you with your web design, SEO, graphic design, and e-mail marketing needs. No matter your business or industry, we can help you thrive.

We Are Here to Help Grow Your Business Online and Through SEO

Working with a professional digital marketing company is the best way to make the most of your website and all that Facebook Pixel, LinkedIn ads, Google Analytics and other digital advertising platforms have to offer. To learn more about the best digital marketing strategies for your company and reach a bigger audience than ever before, work with Gauge Digital Media. For a quote or to schedule a call, contact us at (443) 201-7709.

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