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5 Things We Need to Know Before Designing Your Website

5 Things We Need to Know Before Designing Your Website

Creating a new website for your company is an exciting thing, and there are so many choices to make that can influence the quality and look of the finished product. When you work with an experienced company like Gauge Digital Media, you are starting things off on the right foot. We have a wealth of experience in web design for companies in a broad range of industries all around the country. However, how do we make sure that we get things right (or close to right) the first time. When you are preparing to meet with us before designing your website, here are five of the things that we will need to know.

What We Need to Know Before Designing Your Website

  1. The Goal of Your Website

The most important thing that we need to understand is the target audience for your website. Who is it for? Who do you want to visit it? You should have an understanding of what you want to use your website for and who will be visiting it. This is particularly important if you sell to multiple different industries or you offer products and services that tailor to completely different demographics. This is why, for example, some companies have separate websites that tailor to the wholesale market and separate websites that tailor to the individual consumer. Once you understand the goal of your website and whether you want to inform, entertain, sell or a combination of all of the above, it will give us a starting point for the decisions that we will need to make when designing your website.

  1. What Action(s) Do You Want Visitors to Take?

Now that you have defined who your visitors will be, you need to decide what types of actions you would like them to take on your website. Will there be educational blogs that you want them to read as a resource to learn more about your company or your industry? Do you want your visitors to schedule a free consultation or make a purchase directly from the website? It’s important to know your goals ahead of time when designing your website so that you can ensure the design and all details are catered towards you reaching that goal. For example, this might impact the placement of things like your blog or products. If you want clients to read your blog before making a purchase, that might have a more prominent placement than the products that you are selling.

  1. Why Is Your Business Special?

Many companies have a pitch ready to go when they are faced with a client or customer in person, but did you know that your website should also include the things that make you so unique? Just like you’ve worked hard to refine your elevator pitch, you should also keep what makes you different in mind when you are designing your website. The things that make you different should be emphasized throughout the content on your website. Things like the quality of your services, your response time, the tools that you use, your experienced staff and more should all be described so that your clients get a glimpse at who you are. Do you feel like there isn’t anything special about you? Think critically about what you might say to a customer who isn’t sure whether to pick you or a competitor. What would you tell them? How would you describe what is different about you?

  1. What Are Your Future Goals?

The website that you have will not just be used this year. Instead, it will grow and change alongside your business and be a key part of achieving your future goals. What are some of your five-year or ten-year goals? What parts of your business are you interested in expanding? Are there any parts of your business that you plan on scaling back in the future? When we are designing your website, we will take care to keep your future goals in mind so that the website reflects your needs and goals now and factors in your future desires. For example, if your business plans on expanding your in-person services to include digital services, we can ensure that there is space to add another page or slip in a small teaser blurb onto your services page so that your clients are ready for the new service.

  1. What Functions Does the Website Need to Have?

Finally, you will need to understand what functions you want the website to have. There is a big difference between a website that is optimized for selling a product through the website and one that is merely designed to collect contact information. Take a look at competitor websites if you aren’t sure and pay attention to the different features that they boast. How many contact forms do they have? Do you need to collect payments through your website? Who will the payment provider be? Are there photos and videos on the website that you want the visitors to be able to play? Do you want people to be able to subscribe to the blog or newsletter and get updates? All of these will have changes to how we complete the design process, so it’s a good idea to think about them early on in the process. If you aren’t sure exactly what you want, we can also help walk you through some of your options to make the decision easier.

We Are Here to Help Grow Your Business Online and Through SEO

Working with a professional digital marketing company is the best way to make the most of your website and all that Facebook Pixel, LinkedIn ads, Google Analytics and other digital advertising platforms have to offer. To learn more about the best digital marketing strategies for your company and reach a bigger audience than ever before, work with Gauge Digital Media. For a quote or to schedule a call, contact us at (443) 201-7709.

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